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Writer's pictureDena Grace

Pioneer or Successor - What Mantle do You Carry?

“Now Solomon built his own house (palace) in thirteen years, and he finished all of his house [in that time].” 1 Kings 7:1 AMP

“Solomon built God’s house first, then his own. That his took much longer is no reflection on Solomon, because David had made every possible preparation for building the temple, greatly reducing the time needed to finish it (1 Chronicles 22:2-5). David even left plans and patterns for the temple and loyal friends eager to help (1 Kings 5:1; 1 Chronicles 28:14-19).”

Are you a successor or pioneer? Successors often have things set up, established,  paths made, forest hewn, materials gathered, paths determined. Pioneers face the opposite; they do the gathering, cutting, clearing, establishing, ground breaking themselves.

I think it’s like that with Destiny, God‘s plans for our lives. Some inherit dropped mantles and/or assignments from previous generations because the commission went unfinished, undone, was not fully completed. The mission is picked up and moves forward. When we get our own heavenly charge, a mantle all our own, we face all the start up/prep work.

I wonder if this is why somethings in our lives go remarkably quick and others  incredibly slow?

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