I broke up with fear and control.

Life conditioned me to expect punishment, fear repercussions, to cower and quiver when I stepped outside the accepted parameters and societal conforms. Then I learned, and it settled within me, “I am unpunishable.”*
Yes, I face consequences for my actions, words and deeds; but punishment, maltreatment, humiliation and shame are not to be part of my life.
You see, I learned, I grasped, that Jesus BORE my punishment for sin - not just once, ALWAYS. Sin has no power over me because of Jesus. My life is not about trying to be perfect, not screw up and be mistake free, but learning how to love and be love to others.
Sound like something out of the 70’s Jesus movement doesn’t it?
1 John 2:2 “He Himself is the propitiation (atonement, ransom) for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world”
1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear, for fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not make perfect in love”
I broke up with fear and control. I repented for my partnership and asked God to come and rewire my brain to believe, walk in, and demonstrate the truth of my circumstances - I am free. I am loved. I am accepted. I am a daughter and have ALL the rights of one. I am powerful and I do not need to control, punish, demean, or manipulate to make my way in this world. His way is higher, better, and brings lasting peace. His love conquers all, covers all, redeems all.
Fear, punishment, shame all are enemies of my soul. They tear down. They destroy. They cause me to hide. Jesus provided a solution - a lasting, life-long, soul-securing answer. It is our reality, our circumstance, we just have to choose to acknowledge and walk in it. Faith brings the first step, expectancy the second and security the third. I am unpunishable.
Now, the hard part, to live that way in the day to day…
*Culture of Honor by Danny Silk